For years scholars have debated whether the miraculous events proclaiming the birth and death of Jesus actually happened. Now, unlike any other time in history, science and technology reveal an astounding amount of evidence declaring the most pivotal events in history- The birth of Jesus and his death and resurrection.
The results of this research can now be seen with your own eyes, in God of Heaven and Earth, with incredibly compelling evidence as to what the Star of Bethlehem really was and what the Magi really saw that caused them to travel more than 700 miles to Israel. Many have wondered if this phenomenon was a comet, or a super nova, or even a meteorite, but now the Star of Bethlehem can be revealed as something far more miraculous that God put into motion since the creation of the universe. It was part of a celestial poem meant to proclaim the most pivotal moments in time- The birth of Jesus Christ and his death and sacrifice to save the world.
Shot on location in Israel and the Dead Sea, the film goes on to show that the geologic record agrees with this timeline, and that an earthquake occurred that very year in Jerusalem, supporting Matthew’s biblical account, that when Christ died, an earthquake followed that was so powerful it terrified a nearby Centurion who declared his famous words, “Surely, this was the Son of God.”
Two completely different scientific disciplines intersect to show the reliability of the Bible and that the creator of the Universe is the God of Heaven and Earth.

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Film 1:47:00
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